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alula Resolution Products NanoMax Magnet Only Pack of 100 RE007 n_B100 Interlogix, Qolsys, DSC, 2gig, Honeywell, GE, & ELK Compatible (RE222, RE222T, RE322, RE622, Intrusion Sensor) alula Resolution RE101 Door/Window Sensor Interlogix, GE, ELK, & Qolsys Compatible alula Resolution RE301 Door/Window Sensor DSC Compatible
alula NanoMax Magnet Only - Single
Price: $4.00
Your Price: $3.00
Savings: $1.00
alula Resolution RE301 Door/Window Sensor DSC Compatible
Price: $28.00
Your Price: $22.50
Savings: $5.50
One alula NanoMax Magnet Only
Interlogix, Qolsys, GE, & ELK Compatible - Magnet and Internal reed switch operation with 2 supplemental hardwire zones. 10-15 year battery life on CR123A battery.
DSC Compatible - Magnet and Internal reed switch operation with 2 supplemental hardwire zones. 10-15 year battery life on CR123A battery.
alula Resolution RE201 Door/Window Sensor Honeywell & 2GIG Compatible alula Resolution Products RE601 Door/Window Sensor Cryptix Compatible alula Resolution RE201T Door/Window Sensor 2GIG ONLY Compatible
alula Resolution RE201 Door/Window Sensor Honeywell & 2GIG Compatible
Price: $28.00
Your Price: $22.50
Savings: $5.50
alula Connect+ RE601 Door/Window Sensor Cryptix Compatible
Price: $28.00
Your Price: $22.50
Savings: $5.50

alula Resolution RE201T Door/Window Sensor 2GIG ONLY Compatible
Price: $28.00
Your Price: $22.50
Savings: $5.50
Honeywell & 2GIG Compatible - Magnet and Internal reed switch operation with 2 supplemental hardwire zones. 10-15 year battery life on CR123A battery.
Cryptix Compatible - Magnet and Internal reed switch operation with 2 supplemental hardwire zones. 10-15 year battery life on CR123A battery.
2GIG ONLY Compatible - Magnet and Internal reed switch operation with 2 supplemental hardwire zones. 10-15 year battery life on CR123A battery.

alula Resolution Products RE122 NanoMax Interlogix, Qolsys, GE, & ELK Compatible (RE222, RE222T, RE322, RE622, Intrusion Sensor) alula Resolution Products RE222 NanoMax Honeywell & 2GIG Compatible RE122, RE222T, RE322, RE622, Intrusion Sensor alula Resolution Products RE222T NanoMax 2GIG ONLY Compatible (RE122, RE222, RE322, RE622, Intrusion Sensor)
alula Resolution RE122 NanoMax Interlogix, Qolsys, GE, & ELK Compatible
Price: $28.00
Your Price: $22.50
Savings: $5.50

alula Resolution RE222 NanoMax Honeywell Compatible
Price: $28.00
Your Price: $22.50
Savings: $5.50

alula Resolution RE222T NanoMax 2GIG ONLY Compatible
Price: $28.00
Your Price: $22.50
Savings: $5.50
Interlogix, Qolsys, GE & ELK Compatible - For sensing things that open or separate; Magnet and Internal reed switch operation. With 1-inch magnet gap!
Honeywell Compatible - For sensing things that open or separate - Magnet and Internal reed switch operation. With 1-inch magnet gap!
2GIG Compatible ONLY - For sensing things that open or separate - Magnet and Internal reed switch operation. With 1-inch magnet gap!
alula Resolution Products RE322 NanoMax DSC Compatible (RE122, RE222, RE222T, RE622, Intrusion Sensor) alula Resolution RE106 Tilt Sensor Interlogix, GE, ELK, & Qolsys Compatible (RE206, RE306, RE101, RE201, RE201T, RE301, RE211T, RE601, RE606) alula Resolution Tilt Sensor alula Tilt Sensor RE106M RE206M RE606M, GE, ELK, Qolsys, 2gig, Honeywell, Connect+, Compatible (RE106M, RE206M, RE606M)
alula Resolution RE322 NanoMax DSC Compatible
Price: $28.00
Your Price: $22.50
Savings: $5.50
alula Resolution RE106 Tilt Sensor Interlogix, Qolsys, GE, & ELK Compatible
Price: $34.00
Your Price: $23.10
Savings: $10.90

alula Tilt Sensor RE106, RE206, RE606
Price: $34.25
Your Price: $23.10
Savings: $11.15
DSC Compatible - For sensing things that open or separate - Magnet and Internal reed switch operation. With 1-inch magnet gap!
Interlogix, Qolsys, GE & ELK Compatible - The Tilt Sensor transmitter is typically used to monitor the change in tilt of overhead garage doors and windows. The alarm will trigger when the sensor is tilted more than 45 degrees.
The Tilt Sensor transmitter is typically used to monitor the change in tilt of overhead garage doors and windows. The alarm will trigger when the sensor is tilted more than 45 degrees.

alula DWS-LL Resolution Products ​LongLife Door/Window senser DWS-LL Cryptix Compatible alula Resolution RE210T PIR Motion Sensor -- Indoor, Pet Immune -- 2GIG ONLY Compatible (PIR Motion, 2-60 lbs, RE110P, RE210P, RE310P, RE610P) alula Resolution RE110P PIR Motion Sensor -- Indoor, Pet Immune -- Interlogix, GE, ELK, & Qolsys Compatible (PIR Motion, 2-60 lbs, RE210P, RE210T, RE310P, RE610P)
alula Connect+ DWS-LL Door/Window Sensor Cryptix Compatible
Price: $38.75
Your Price: $24.95
Savings: $13.80
Cryptix Compatible - Magnet and Internal reed switch operation with 2 supplemental hardwire zones. 10-15 year battery life on CR123A battery.
2GIG Compatible ONLY - PYROFLEX IR sensor and HighBar signal processing for superior performance. 2 (two) 60 pound Pet Immunity; up to 85 pounds; 44 foot range and 90 degree field of view (45 degrees to each side).
Interlogix, Qolsys, GE & ELK Compatible - PYROFLEX IR sensor and HighBar signal processing for superior performance. 2 (two) 60 pound Pet Immunity; up to 85 pounds; 44 foot range and 90 degree field of view (45 degrees to each side).
alula Resolution Products RE610P Connect + PIR Motion Sensor -- Indoor, Pet Immune -- Cryptix Compatible (PIR Motion, 2-60 lbs, RE110P, RE210P, RE210T, RE310P) alula Resolution RE210P PIR Motion Sensor -- Indoor, Pet Immune -- Honeywell & 2GIG Compatible (PIR Motion, 2-60 lbs, RE110P, RE210T, RE310P, RE610P) alula Resolution RE211P PIR Motion Sensor -- Indoor, Pet Immune -- Honeywell & 2GIG Compatible (PIR Motion, 2-60 lbs, RE110P, RE210T, RE310P, RE610P)
PYROFLEX IR sensor and HighBar signal processing for superior performance. 2 (two) 60 pound Pet Immunity; up to 85 pounds; 44 foot range and 90 degree field of view (45 degrees to each side).
Honeywell & 2GIG Compatible - PYROFLEX IR sensor and HighBar signal processing for superior performance. 2 (two) 60 pound Pet Immunity; up to 85 pounds; 44 foot range and 90 degree field of view (45 degrees to each side).
Honeywell & 2GIG Compatible - PYROFLEX IR sensor and HighBar signal processing for superior performance. 2 (two) 60 pound Pet Immunity; up to 85 pounds; 44 foot range and 90 degree field of view (45 degrees to each side).
alula Resolution RE109 Glass Break Sensor Interlogix, GE, ELK, & Qolsys Compatible (RE209, RE309, RE118, RE218, RE218T, RE318, RE119, RE219, RE319, RE619) alula Resolution RE209 Glass Break Sensor Honeywell & 2GIG Compatible (RE109, RE309, RE118, RE218, RE218T, RE318, RE119, RE219, RE319, RE619) alula Resolution RE309 Glass Break Sensor DSC Compatible (RE109, RE209, RE118, RE218, RE218T, RE318, RE119, RE219, RE319, RE619)
Interlogix, Qolsys, GE, & ELK Compatible - Sensor detects the sound of breaking glass. 360 degrees Omni-directional coverage, Optional external contact connection.
Honeywell & 2GIG Compatible - Sensor detects the sound of breaking glass; 360 degrees Omni-directional coverage with optional external contact connection.
DSC Compatible - Sensor detects the sound of breaking glass with 360 degree Omni-directional coverage and Optional external contact connection.
alula Resolution RE129 Glass Break Sensor Interlogix, GE, ELK, & Qolsys Compatible (RE209, RE309, RE118, RE218, RE218T, RE318, RE119, RE219, RE319, RE619) alula Resolution RE629 Connect+ Compatible Glass Break Sensor Interlogix, GE, ELK, & Qolsys Compatible (RE209, RE309, RE118, RE218, RE218T, RE318, RE119, RE219, RE319, RE619) alula Resolution RE229 Glass Break Sensor Honeywell & 2GIG Compatible (RE109, RE309, RE118, RE218, RE218T, RE318, RE119, RE219, RE319, RE619)
Interlogix, Qolsys, GE & ELK Compatible - Identifies the sound of breaking glass and transmits a signal to the panel when mounted 4-25 feet from the protected window. Glass Break sensor is cost-effective way to extend the coverage area for any home or business.

Connect+ Compatible - Identifies the sound of breaking glass and transmits a signal to the panel when mounted 4-25 feet from the protected window. Glass Break sensor is cost-effective way to extend the coverage area for any home or business.
Honeywell & 2GIG Compatible - Identifies the sound of breaking glass and transmits a signal to the panel when mounted 4-25 feet from the protected window. Glass Break sensor is cost-effective way to extend the coverage area for any home or business.
alula Resolution RE111P PIR Motion Sensor -- Indoor, Pet Immune -- Interlogix, GE, ELK, & Qolsys Compatible (PIR Motion, 2-60 lbs, RE210P, RE210T, RE310P, RE610P) alula Resolution RE310P PIR Motion Sensor -- Indoor, Pet Immune -- DSC Compatible (PIR Motion, 2-60 lbs, RE110P, RE210P, RE210T, RE610P)
Interlogix, Qolsys, GE & ELK Compatible - PYROFLEX IR sensor and HighBar signal processing for superior performance. 2 (two) 60 pound Pet Immunity; up to 85 pounds; 40 X 40 foot range and 90 degree.
DSC Compatible - PYROFLEX IR sensor and HighBar signal processing for superior performance - 2 (two) 60 pound Pet Immunity; up to 85 pounds. 44 foot range and 90 degree field of view (45 degrees to each side).